Tuesday, March 17, 2009

can i open my eyes

Why was I the only one who had to withstand his entire bitch fit? I was not
the only one ordering bloody mcnuggets. Fact, I was nice enough to offer
some help for all his unfinished shit. In return, I got a lecture about
ordering Macdonald's at the wrong time and that I was fooling around.

Fucker, you should look at the man in the mirror. You showed no lead & example
at all for me to look up to. Everytime the boss' out, you will be the first one
to start a conversation with everyone and anyone. You are the leader in taking
frequent breaks. Your working attitude sucks and it does not take a rocket scientist to figure you are not the boss' favourite.

You wanted me to BEG when I put out a simple request. I do not get your sense
of humour nor do I want to. I see no reason why I should talk to you anymore.

Darn I had buffet at Orchard and it was cheap. thirtynine dollars =D!

Fullerton next! but first I gotta shed off what I ate today.

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