Saturday, April 18, 2009

i'll put a flower in your hair

I have been thinking, what do I label this group of friends and myself? I love
and hate them. At moments, my holier-than-thou self would think, 'gosh why are
they being so immature?' The next moment, their silly antics cracked me up to
no end and I'll be like 'fuck it, let's get insane together'. All in all, it was
my aggressive nature that alienated myself from 'em. But now, I have learnt to
suppress that part of me. That, I learnt from some of them. They are able to
control and suppress themselves, their feelings so well. For that, I admire.

I call us the dysfunctional ones.

And this track sums it all up for me.

Guess this means you're sorry, you're standing at my door
Guess this means you take back all you said before
Like how much you wanted anyone but me
Said you'd never come back but here you are again

Maybe I was stupid for telling you goodbye
Maybe I was wrong for tryin' to pick a fight
I know that I've got issues but you're pretty messed up too
Either way, I found out I'm nothing without you

'Cos we belong together now
Forever united here somehow
You got a piece of me and honestly,
My life would suck without you

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